Just a lovely evening... crisp air, a crescent moon in a bright sky, and I spotted a Cooper's Hawk swoop into a tree just ahead of me at one point. I stopped and watched him for a minute, then he suddenly took off. As I followed him with my eyes, I saw another, smaller Cooper's coming from the other direction. They both made arcing turns to fall into parallel flight, then flew away into the darkening sky. Beautiful! Perhaps a mating pair, since the second one was noticeably smaller than the first.
Oh, and before you drive yourself crazy looking for the hawk in the picture above, he's not there. This is just a nice shot of the moon through the branches of a tree that I shot a few minutes later.
My sister lives outside Albany and loves snowshoes. I have thought about getting them for a long time for use in the DC area. I have two questions: I have wide feet. Is the footbed of the snowshoes you bought wide enough for a hobbit foot like me? Also what kind of shoes do you use with snowshoes? Hiking boots?
I've got some fairly wide and big (size 13-14) feet
myself, and the Redfeather Hike snowshoes fit
just fine. And I used a pair of regular Merrell hiking boots with them. From what I've read you can use just
about any sort of shoe with them. REI has a really nice article on their site about beginning snowshoeing. Check it
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