Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, I missed posting on the first of the year as I'd planned, so not an auspicious start to the whole "I'd like to blog more in 2008" idea knocking around in my head at year's end. Ah well... better late than never.

I think one of the obstacles for me, aside from basic procrastination, is staring at the screen feeling I don't have anything interesting enough to say. I suppose a visit to any number of other blogs would reassure me that's not really an obstacle! So I'm going to make an effort to just write more often, whether it's about something exciting or simply random observations and thoughts. Writing, like so many other things, is better with practice.

For now, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish all of you out there reading my blog, a Happy New Year. May 2008 bring wonderful things into your lives.


PS - the photo above is just a shot I took a long time ago (with film!) in Flagstaff, AZ, while visiting for a job interview... for a job I had previously held, no less. It has nothing to do with anything, I just thought it was a nice one to share.


The Driver said...

And a happy new year to Spokes.

Anonymous said...

The more you write, the more stuff comes out. Just write. And happy new year.
See you in February --Beth