So green and damp after recent rains. |
Due to the COVID19 pandemic, many things have been closed or have had limited access - stores including my own), restaurants, libraries, entertainment venues, just about everything. It's been strange and at times difficult to adjust to the situation. Even outdoor activities have had their challenges... many parks have been closed, and multi-use paths like the Washington & Old Dominion Trail near me have been so busy that it's a bit daunting to go on them for a walk or ride. Even my beloved Chesapeake & Ohio Canal has had access limited, especially the area where I typically walk.
Sleepy bumblebee on thistle. |
Last weekend though, I took a glance at the National Park Service website and discovered they had re-opened the parking areas nearest me. It was the end of my work day, and early evening. An hour or two of daylight left, and the solstice. That made it an easy decision... I figured I'd go and see how things were. I was worried the parking lots might be full with people finally able to get there, but much to my delight, there were only a few cars there.
And what a wonderful walk! I didn't go as far as I typically do, since it was getting late and I was tired, but it felt so good to be back in nature in one of my favorite places. After nearly three months of not being there, I didn't fully realize how much I had missed it until I was there again. I ended up going back the following evening as well, and it was lovely. So glad to be able to go back now.
Lots of frogs staying cool in the pools. |
Almost missed this heron due to the high grass. |
Mama wood duck and her 10 (!) babies. |